CSUMB Interior - Raw Render
This is the image straight out of 3ds Max without any post production / Photoshop.
CSUMB Interior - Final
This is the final image with lots of Photoshop - notice how much the color has changed over the raw render.
Performance Hall - Raw Render
The performance hall is it was rendered from 3ds Max. There was very little time so it was moved into Photoshop immediately.
Performance Hall - Final
Courthouse Day - Raw Render
The courthouse rendering directly out of the renderer.
Courthouse Day - Final
The final courthouse rendering with lots of post production. It's "final" because it best represents the architectural design intent.
Courthouse Dusk - Raw Render
The Courthouse dusk rendering straight out of the renderer.
Courthouse Dusk - Final
The Courthouse dusk final rendering with all post production. It's "final" because it best represents the architectural design intent.